Ecos Acoustic Panels

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Ecos acoustic panel
Ecos acoustic panel
Ecos acoustic panel
Ecos acoustic panel

Acoustic panels Ecos have 2 working sides, that is, they can be turned over.

The front side combines the properties of absorption and reflection of sound, the second side is absorbing.

These panels provide spectacular sound for musical instruments, vocals and the speaker's voice.

By installing acoustic panels, you can reduce echo, extraneous noise in the sound, and also provide excellent sound absorption.

The panels are elegant and successfully fit into the interior.

It is possible to execute the pattern and color of the panel according to your requirements.

Panel material - acoustic foam rubber, MDF, veneer (option), plastic (option).

Size 50x50 cm

Panels are used in such types of premises as:
  • Cinemas
  • Concert halls
  • Night clubs
  • Restaurants
  • Karaoke clubs
  • Rumy rally
  • Places where the use of microphones and the performance of a speaker or artist is envisaged.
Ecos acoustic panel

We produce and sell acoustic panels in Kyiv, as well as deliver across Ukraine in a convenient way for you.

The price of products corresponds to the quality, and will fully satisfy the most demanding customer.

You can order a consultation on acoustic correction and acoustic design on our website or in any other way convenient for you.

You can take a closer look at our products in our office or in our warehouse in Kyiv

Acoustic panels

Acoustic panels have become a popular solution for managing sound in various environments, from recording studios to office spaces, and even homes. Ecos Acoustic Panels offer a range of products designed to reduce reverberation, echo, and sound reflection, creating a more pleasant and productive environment.

One of the key features of Ecos Acoustic Panels is their versatility. They offer both single-sided and double-sided acoustic panels, allowing for greater flexibility in terms of placement and design. Double-sided panels are particularly effective at absorbing sound from both sides, making them ideal for larger spaces or areas with high levels of noise.

Reverberation, or the persistence of sound in a space after the sound source has stopped, can be a major issue in spaces with hard surfaces such as concrete or glass. Ecos Acoustic Panels help to reduce reverberation by absorbing sound waves and preventing them from bouncing off surfaces, creating a more controlled and balanced sound environment.

Echo, or the reflection of sound off surfaces, can also be a problem in spaces with high ceilings or open layouts. Ecos Acoustic Panels help to eliminate echo by absorbing sound waves before they can reflect off walls or ceilings, resulting in clearer and more intelligible sound.

Sound reflection, or the bouncing of sound waves off surfaces, can create unwanted noise and distortion. Ecos Acoustic Panels are designed to reduce sound reflection by absorbing sound waves and preventing them from bouncing back into the room, resulting in a more pleasant and comfortable listening experience.

Ecos Acoustic Panels are ideal for use on walls, where they can provide both acoustic benefits and aesthetic appeal. Their decorative panels come in a variety of colors and patterns, allowing them to blend seamlessly into any environment while still providing excellent sound absorption.

For those looking to purchase Ecos Acoustic Panels in USA, there are several options available. Online retailers and specialty stores offer a range of products at varying price points, making it easy to find the right solution for any budget.

In conclusion, Ecos Acoustic Panels offer a versatile and effective solution for managing sound in a variety of spaces. Whether you're looking to reduce reverberation, eliminate echo, or simply improve the acoustics of a room, these panels provide a cost-effective and stylish option for achieving your goals. Investing in acoustic panels is a smart choice for anyone looking to create a more comfortable and enjoyable sound environment in their home or workplace.

Our Clients

  • Логотип клиента WIX
  • Логотип клиента телеканал Украина
  • Логотип клиента Артериум
  • Логотип клиента Zinteco
  • Логотип клиента телеканал Новый
  • Логотип клиента телеканал ZIK
  • Логотип клиента Wargaming
  • Логотип клиента телеканал СТБ
  • Логотип клиента Старлайтмедиа
  • Логотип клиента Интер
  • Логотип клиента Датаробот
  • Логотип клиента Мегого
  • Логотип клиента телеканал 1+1
  • Логотип клиента телеканал 112