Acoustic suspended ceilings

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  • Suspended Sound Absorbing Panels Quadro Pyramid Orange . Acoustic correction is not a simple and time-consuming process that requires special attention and special skills. Each room has its own unique features that must be taken into account when planning acoustic correction. In the absence of acou..
    От $50.70 До 82.04 грн.
  • Suspended Sound Absorbing Panels Quadro Pyramid Red . Acoustic clouds Quadro Pyramid Red allow acoustic correction of large areas where the conditions of the room do not allow stretching the acoustic ceiling from one edge to the other. Due to the ease of installation and a wide range of activities,..
    От $50.70 До 82.04 грн.
  • Suspended Sound Absorbing Panels Quadro Sky. Acoustic clouds Quadro Sky- are designed to improve the acoustic atmosphere of those rooms where the scale and shape of the ceiling do not allow the installation of an acoustic ceiling as a whole. Due to mobility and ease of installation, acoustic clouds..
    От $50.70 До 82.04 грн.
  • Suspended Sound Absorbing Panel Quadro Wave Grey. Acoustic clouds Quadro Wave Gray are a stable and reliable assistant in the acoustic correction of rooms of various formats, especially those where the installation of a complex acoustic ceiling is not provided, for one reason or another. You can or..
    От $81.68 До 82.04 грн.
  • Suspended Sound Absorbing Panel Quadro Wave Orange. Quadro Wave Orange Acoustic Clouds stand out from their peers not only because of their vibrant colors, but also because of the wide range of supported functions in creating the optimal acoustic atmosphere for any type and size of room. Quadro Wav..
    От $81.68 До 82.04 грн.
  • Suspended Sound Absorbing Panels Quadro Wave Red. Acoustic clouds Quadro Wave Red is a classic example of replacing acoustic ceilings in acoustic room correction. This product is a suspended acoustic panel aimed at places where excess sound energy accumulates, which accumulates in such rooms as: - ..
    От $50.70 До 82.04 грн.
Acoustic suspended ceilings for meeting room

Acoustic suspended ceilings for meeting room

Suspended acoustic ceilings, also known as acoustic clouds , are designed to absorb unwanted sound waves that bounce off an ordinary flat ceiling and return to the listeners' ears, mix with other sound sources, which causes unpleasant noise effects, reduces speech intelligibility and degrades the sound quality in the room.

The principle of operation of acoustic suspended ceilings

The surface of the acoustic false ceiling is made of acoustic foam rubber , which perfectly absorbs sound due to the increase in the reflective surface with various relief forms - Pyramid, Wave, Saw and many others, the physical property of the foam rubber to accumulate the energy of a sound wave and transform it into heat.

This allows you to significantly reduce sound reflections and reverberation.

Manufacturing options for suspended acoustic ceilings

We manufacture, sell and install:

The shape of the ceiling panel can be either a standard square, 1m x 1m in size, or any other shape, such as:

  • rectangle,
  • a circle,
  • heart Shape,
  • cloud Shape,
  • and any others to your taste.

Our products are environmentally friendly and we make sure that no toxic substances are used in the acoustic elements we produce.

Use of suspended acoustic ceilings

Acoustic clouds are used in such premises as:

Acoustic suspended ceilings in a residential area

Acoustic suspended ceilings in a residential area

  • high rooms where echo and reverb like to walk,
  • meeting rooms,
  • cinemas,
  • entertainment centers,
  • office centers,
  • indoor amusement parks,
  • concert halls,
  • call centers,
  • sports complexes,
  • clubs and karaoke bars

Ceilings are quickly mounted, thanks to convenient fasteners.

You can organize the installation of such ceilings yourself, or invite our specialists.

To buy acoustic suspended ceilings at great prices in Kyiv, you can:

Friendly experts will advise you and suggest the best options for using suspended acoustic panels.

Often we observe very loud extraneous noises in our apartments. This is especially noticeable in the high-rise buildings still under construction in the neighborhood. Well, or, for example, domestic children, which sometimes interfere with proper sleep. All this can be easily avoided by installing acoustic suspended ceilings in at least one of the rooms.

The main advantages of sound-absorbing ceilings

Noise isolation under a stretch ceiling is very, very justified. As the name implies, the ceiling absorbs extraneous noise with ease. However, even without this "trump card" he has a lot of advantages. For example, one of these is the ease of construction. After the soundproofing under the stretch ceiling is installed, it practically does not gain weight, so the design is very light.

In addition, such a ceiling perfectly saves heat and has protection against high temperatures, as well as water. In which case, you can not be afraid that the ceiling will be spoiled by kind neighbors from above. A soundproof ceiling will also help to hide uneven surfaces, various wiring and ventilation. And finally, it is very easy to mount. So much so that an almost unprepared person can handle the installation.

Issue cost

The price , which the soundproofing of the ceiling has, is very loyal in Ukraine. Among the many manufacturers, you are sure to find the most suitable not only in terms of characteristics, but also in terms of visual design. By the way, the price , which distinguishes the soundproofing of the ceiling , in Ukraine is next to a good laminate. By the way, if the apartment is very noisy, you should think about combining these two coatings - the laminate perfectly absorbs sound.

Today, the market for such building materials is very wide. Among the manufacturers, you can find both established brands and newly minted, factory firms. Experts advise not to buy a cheap acoustic ceiling. Unfortunately, some of the little-known manufacturers are distinguished by a discrepancy between the actual and declared characteristics.

It is actually very easy to be deceived. Unfortunately, the result will be visible only after the installation of the stretch ceiling. Don't buy on a whim. Before purchasing, get a simple sound level meter. Then choose based on the sound level and characteristics of the ceiling. It is worth relying on customer reviews of a particular company. "Word of mouth" will more than once help to avoid buying low-quality building materials.

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