Carrying out wall insulation in an apartment

  • 10 September 2021 14:16:53
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Almost all wall insulation is made from protective screens or panels that absorb sound. In wide access, you can find not only individual materials, but also ready-made solutions for performing work. Their installation should be carried out by a qualified specialist who has all the necessary equipment and knowledge. It should be understood that screens can be single-layer or multi-layer. If we consider the multilayer version, then it allows you to increase the thickness of the wall up to 15 cm, and can be used in any room. It is best if their use is provided for by the design of the premises.

Separately, I would like to talk about apartments in a panel house. If you are making repairs in such a room, then you need to install sound screens on all walls, both on one side and on the other, because any wall can be a source of sound vibrations. You can consider such an option as basalt panels, which have excellent technical characteristics. When a sound wave hits them, it will be reflected, and its energy will be extinguished. If you do the job correctly, then no matter how noisy it is in the room, the sound will not pass into the next room. Do not forget about the important advantage of materials, which indicates that they absorb sound and dampen all its distortions.

Sometimes you can hear that you need to deal with isolation only in those rooms that are apartments, not houses. But, such a judgment is not true, since there are roads near many houses that create a lot of noise. Therefore, carrying out wall insulation will not be superfluous in this matter. If we consider the prices for materials, then they differ, depending on what exactly you choose. If you do not know which material to give your preference, then you can contact the experts who will help you in this matter.

In our online store you can find a wide selection of products that you will need to complete the work. All of them have different technical characteristics, which are important to take into account in order to make the right choice. If you need help, you can contact our specialists who will answer your questions. Remember that you should not save on insulation materials, as the result you get will depend on their quality. Choose quality materials, and then the noise will not bother you.


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