Details of soundproofing the walls in the apartment

  • 08 January 2021 00:45:51
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If we consider protection from sounds, then almost always it is made from materials that absorb sound or protective screens. Among the wide range of products presented on the construction market, you can find both individual materials and ready-made complex materials. Only a qualified specialist who has many years of experience in this field and all the necessary equipment should be engaged in the installation of such materials. After all, if you make any mistake, then you will not be able to achieve suitable sound protection, and all the money spent on materials will simply be thrown to the wind.

Also, it is worth knowing that there are both single-layer and multi-layer screens. By the way, it is multilayer screens that increase the thickness of the walls up to 15 cm, so they can not be used in every type of room. Sometimes, there are situations when such a solution is already provided for in the apartment project, but in fact, this rarely happens. In addition, everyone knows about the problems with extraneous sounds in panel houses.

If you have an apartment in a panel house, then you need to mount sound screens on both sides of the wall in order to reduce sound vibrations. Basalt or kaolin panels are widely used. By choosing such materials, you can be sure that the sound wave that hits such a material will be reflected and its energy will be damped. If you turn to specialists who will carry out soundproofing work, then you can at least play the drums in the next room, and be sure that you do not interfere with the rest of the inhabitants of your apartment, and even more so, the neighbors.

You can often hear the opinion that it is necessary to carry out sound-absorbing work only in apartments, and not in private houses. In fact, this opinion is erroneous, because many houses are surrounded by roads that create a lot of noise. Therefore, if you live in a private house, then the issue of soundproofing is just as relevant for you as it is for residents of ordinary apartments.

If you need advice on which soundproofing materials to choose or help from specialists in carrying out this type of work, then you can always contact us and we will do our best to help you. Trust us, and you will forget about extraneous noise in the room, which does not allow you to fully relax and unwind.


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