Methods of sound insulation

  • 04 January 2018 16:40:25
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Soundproofing tasks

Sound absorption and sound insulation differ in their methods of transforming and correcting room acoustics. The task of soundproofing is to repel the acoustic wave from its surface as much as possible and to pass it through itself as little as possible. Thus, we isolate the surface from the passage of acoustic energy. This problem can be solved by various designs and materials with high density and special structure. Soundproofing can ensure silence and comfort in your apartment, and with loud music or a movie, you will not interfere with your neighbors' sleep.

Soundproof structures

To achieve the desired sound pressure level, often one material may not be enough for you. To do this, a multilayer soundproof structure is made, which consists of layers of material with different densities and structures. As a sound wave passes through each boundary of materials, it loses its energy and is attenuated along the way. Due to this, you can save space and achieve effective sound insulation. For example, in the construction of drywall - mineral wool - drywall, the sound wave that passed through the first sheet of drywall will bounce off the second and, passing through the layer of mineral wool, weaken its energy and will not be able to pass through the entire structure further.

Soundproofing design

Often, sound insulation experts calculate when constructing a building in such a way that the noise level in the premises meets the standards. To do this, you need to take into account many factors such as:
  • wall material,
  • external noise level,
  • noise level in rooms,
  • building layout,
  • the presence of a source of vibration, etc.
At home, soundproofing becomes essential, especially if you have noisy neighbors or a noisy business nearby. To solve such problems, work is carried out with the measurement of the noise level and the design of soundproof structures.

Soundproofing methods

Методы звукоизоляции The problem of soundproofing can be solved by several methods, which differ in their cost, efficiency and materials. To solve soundproofing in an apartment, the following methods are possible:
  • Complete soundproofing,
  • Partial soundproofing,
  • Soundproofing the source of noise.

Complete soundproofing

In a quiet room without extraneous noise, sound recording studios located in an acoustically polluted place, radio and television broadcasting rooms, offices may need. To meet the high requirements of sound insulation, "Full Soundproofing" is used. Install soundproof structures on the walls, ceiling and table, using special heavy doors and windows. This procedure is expensive but can surprise with its effectiveness and durability.

Partial soundproofing

With annoying noise from the street or from a neighbor, it is not always necessary to use full soundproofing, you can only isolate only one problematic surface and the desired result will be obtained. This method is cheaper but only protects against a specific source of noise. When dealing with vibration from the subway or train tracks, special floor structures are used that can protect you from the vibrations of a passing subway underground.

Noise source soundproofing

Sometimes the most effective method of protecting against noise is to soundproof the source of the noise. If you have a very noisy business or club in the basement, then soundproofing the noise source will be more effective and much cheaper. Vibration isolation of noise and vibration sources with the help of elastic and damping materials will protect workers from the consequences caused by the influence of constant vibration.
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