Noise isolation of apartments, houses, offices, call centers.

  • 24 November 2019 20:54:56
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The task of sound insulation is one of the most popular in construction. There are many measures that can be carried out starting, directly, during construction, as well as after its completion. There are different methods for different rooms.

Differences between industrial and domestic soundproofing

There are no strict limits for household soundproofing. For example, it can be simple sound insulation under a stretch ceiling , or, alternatively, sound insulation of a separate room . In this case, all measures are aimed at preventing the penetration of noise. In this case, as a rule, various soundproofing material can be used. Industrial soundproofing, on the contrary, is aimed at removing excess noise outside the premises, since there are a number of regulations and loudness standards.

Soundproofing cost

Since soundproofing is a whole range of measures, the budget also depends on a number of parameters. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is taken into account - a room, or, for example, a call centerwhere noise isolation will be performed. Next, set the optimum level of noise removal. Well, and, finally, a search for sources of noise is being made.
Even after these stages , the price is not final, since the soundproofing of the apartment may require additional measures, including the installation of acoustic ceilings or floors. With office buildings, everything is somewhat simpler - the effect can be achieved even if acoustic panels are installed, the price of which is disproportionately higher than for measures to remove noise in apartments.

The most common noise isolation services

There is nothing surprising in this, but most often it is required to soundproof the walls. Such structural elements in the overwhelming majority of cases are excellent conductors of sounds. This is especially true for apartment buildings. The second most popular service is sound insulation on the ceiling.
Statistics are stubborn things. About seventy percent of domestic conflicts are complaints against the upper neighbors. In this case, if, of course, you want to save your strength and nerves, installing a false ceiling will be an excellent solution. Its design provides for the presence of various elements absorbing sound. Experts do not recommend saving in this matter, but purchasing only high-quality sound insulation elements and contacting companies with good work experience and a large customer base.
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