Soundproofing under a stretch ceiling

  • 06 January 2022 00:36:15
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Noisy neighbors are a problem that anyone can face, so it is not at all strange why many people think about how to get rid of the noise and enjoy the comfort in the apartment. In this situation, you may be advised to carry out sound insulation under a stretch ceiling. In fact, the stretch ceiling itself allows you to get rid of 5 dB of extraneous noise. The air gap that appears between the ceiling and the concrete reduces the propagation of the sound wave. The coating on the ceiling allows you to reflect the sound in the apartment, and does not allow it to spread. But, sometimes it happens that one coating is not enough to get rid of noise, so many carry out soundproofing.

Features of sound insulation under a stretch ceiling

All material manufacturers constantly delight with new products, which allows you to choose what you need. There are 2 types of stretch ceilings:

  • Perforated single-layer, which have a fabric base;
  • Multilayer acoustic, that is, soundproof;

The first option is made of a fabric base and has perforation. The fabric is treated with liquid polyurethane. Noise absorption is carried out by reducing the amplitude of sound waves. But, the material cannot boast of its strength, because due to the large number of holes, it becomes thinner. Therefore, it is worth considering this option before soundproofing under a stretch ceiling.

The second option is an acoustic coating that has several layers. It is based on fabric, but at the same time, it is coated on both sides with a polymer agent. On the front side, the material is covered with a decorative varnish, which allows you to protect the fabric. A foam polymer is applied to the back side, which absorbs noise. If we consider the advantages of such coverage, then they include:

  • Excellent protection against extraneous sound;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Modern design;
  • Practicality in use;
  • Long service life;
  • Eco-friendly composition;

As you can see, soundproofing under a stretch ceiling has many features that need to be taken into account.

Soundproofing under a stretch ceiling

If you decide to resort to getting rid of extraneous sound with the help of ceilings, then you can do this in several ways:

  • frame;
  • frameless;
  • Combined;

If we consider the frame version of sound insulation for a stretch ceiling, then you need to know that the frame will be built from a metal profile or timber. When using the frameless version, a special noise insulator is used, which is fixed with glue directly to the ceiling. All joints are glued with special adhesive tape. The combined option is used when the surface has irregularities or there is wiring or pipes in the area. This small comparison will allow you to decide what kind of soundproofing under a stretch ceiling is right for you.

Preparation for work

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to prepare the surface. This will allow you to get rid of the likelihood of mold, and achieve high adhesion of the material. If there is high-quality painting, then the surface must be cleaned of dust or dirt, and sound-absorbing material should be installed. If dust remains on the surface, it will interfere with the bonding of materials. Preparation is important, because this is the only way to achieve results. In the event that the ceiling has chips, then you need to eliminate them. All seams must be smoothed and the surface leveled.

After leveling and cleaning has been carried out, it is necessary to prime with an antiseptic, which will create the necessary adhesion of materials. When the work is done, you can proceed to the output of electrical wiring for lighting. After that, you can fix the ceiling profile, and proceed with the installation of soundproofing material using the method chosen by the specialist.


What materials are used?

For soundproofing under a stretch ceiling, it is customary to use certain materials, which include:

  • Macsound prof;
  • Basalt slabs;
  • Styrofoam;
  • wood panels;
  • Acoustic materials;
  • Other;

The most common option is Macsound prof, as it has certain advantages:

  • sound absorption;
  • Warming;
  • Ease of installation;

Macsound prof is produced in the form of sheets with a size of 1x2 meters. The material itself is installed using a special glue. Unlike mineral wool, there is no shedding of fibers in Macsound prof acoustic material. Only qualified specialists who can take into account all the features and professionally perform the work should be engaged in the installation of this material. But, the material has little resistance to moisture, so you will need to use a film to protect it.

If we consider basalt wool, then it will have similar properties, but it is very inconvenient during installation. Basalt wool is mainly used in frame structures, which take up more space than frameless installation methods. To avoid shedding of fibers, cotton wool is wrapped in polyethylene. It does a good job of absorbing sound. But, it is important to understand that both basalt and mineral wool must be protected on both sides so that moisture does not spoil them. A high-quality thin soundproofing fabric with several layers is made from mineral wool and felt. Its advantage is that the width is not reflected in the height. I would like to talk about foam, which does not have such excellent noise absorption indicators as previous materials. Moreover, due to its physical characteristics, the foam amplifies sound more than it absorbs it. When soundproofing the ceiling, it is better not to use polystyrene foam - the soundproofing properties of the ceiling will decrease. For this reason, it is rarely used indoors.

The cost of soundproofing a ceiling will differ depending on which material you choose. While you're thinking, we invite you to talk about cork. It is an eco-friendly and natural material that allows you to get rid of extraneous sound. It has many advantages, which include:

  • sound absorption;
  • Eco-friendly composition;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Elasticity;
  • Thinness;

During installation, the coating does not cause any difficulties, which is its advantage. At the same time, its cost is quite high, but it is fully justified by its excellent quality.

ceiling soundproofing price

If you are interested in the price of ceiling soundproofing, then you can find it out by contacting us. It is important to understand that it can depend on many factors. For example, on the material you choose, on the size of the room and other factors. Therefore, to know it, you need to decide on the work. In our online store you can find everything you need to perform soundproofing of the ceiling. All products that are presented in stock are of excellent quality, so you can be sure that they will cope with the tasks.

All materials differ from each other, and have their own characteristics that must be taken into account for the right choice. If you do not know what to choose, you can contact consultants who will help you in this matter. After choosing the right materials, you will be able to find out the price of ceiling soundproofing. Choose quality materials from well-known manufacturers, and then extraneous noise will not be a problem for you.


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