Ways to improve the insulation in a panel house

  • 10 September 2021 14:17:36
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There is no house where the insulation can have the values that we need. This is especially true for panel houses. There are a large number of insulating materials on the construction market that allow you to deal with the problem. There are several ways to improve the insulation in the apartment and enjoy the silence:

  • Location of outlets. Not everyone knows that noise from neighbors penetrates through the outlet holes. All sockets are adjacent, so it is not at all strange that you hear everything that happens at the neighbors. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to invite an electrician who can disassemble the outlet and insert a special washer into it. After that, sealing is carried out using a special material. It is forbidden to use mounting foam;
  • Electrical box. As a rule, it is located under the ceiling. You need to insulate the box in the same way as the sockets. It is not recommended to do this work on your own, as it can be dangerous;
  • Heating and water stand. They are laid through the interfloor ceilings. For this, vibration-isolating sleeves are used, which are made from a larger diameter pipe. With the help of a special material, the space is sealed. You can do this work yourself, but it is best to invite a specialist who can do everything as it should;
  • Joint of floor and wall. It is in this place that large cracks can appear. This is due to the fact that the cement screed was of unsatisfactory quality. To fix the problem, you need to remove the plinth and select a seam. After it is ready, it must be filled with a mixture of sand and cement. After that, silicone sealant is used;
  • The junction of a wall and ceiling or wall to wall. To get rid of cracks at such joints, you need to remove the wallpaper, expand the cracks and fill them with gypsum putty or cement mortar. After that, acrylic sealant and testamentary putty are used;

If you find a source of noise entering the room, then it must be eliminated. It is best if you invite a specialist who can do everything right. If you do the work yourself, then you can make a mistake, and then you will not be able to achieve the desired result. You can find all the materials that you may need to complete the work with us. We offer a wide range from which you can choose what you need. Choose quality materials and get rid of extraneous noise.

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