Acoustic foam panels

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Acoustic foam rubber - why is it needed?

Soundproofing for a recording studio with acoustic panels and foam rubber bass traps

Soundproofing for a recording studio with acoustic foam panels and bass traps

Properly used acoustic panels are the backbone of every successful acoustic correction.

Recently, modern entrepreneurs and consumers have become more likely to encounter poor acoustics in various kinds of premises. The rhythm of the modern metropolis provides for crowded, noisy leisure venues, in some of which acoustics play a huge role. For example, in a concert hall, by definition, a unique, corrected acoustic atmosphere is required, otherwise the noise from acoustic monitors, together with loud music and noise from the hall, will merge into one single cacophony, where the level of acoustic contamination will reach its limit.

For high-quality acoustic correction and soundproofing of walls and ceilings, acoustic foam rubber panels are used. The combination of this indispensable element with other acoustic materials can quickly produce the desired result and the acoustic atmosphere of the room will reach its optimal parameters.

How acoustic foam works

Acoustic foam from EcoSound is a unique porous material based on environmentally friendly cadastral oils. The principle of its operation is aimed at the fact that when a sound wave collides with the frame of an acoustic panel, the sound wave gradually gets stuck in its porous structure, as a result of which the sound energy is converted into heat. It is thanks to these properties that acoustic panels are able to reduce the level of reverberation in a room to an optimal value, determined by a series of professional calculations, taking into account natural human reverberation.

The relief form of the panel allows:

  • improve the sound absorption characteristics of acoustic panels,
  • scatter sound waves in the range of medium and high sound frequencies.

The absorbing property of acoustic foam depends on:

  • the size of the absorbing surface,
  • panel thickness,
  • panel density.

We produce panels of various colors, thicknesses, sizes and reliefs from high density foam rubber.

Acoustic foam panels have the following properties:

  • durable,
  • not subject to fading,
  • resistant to external damage.

Acoustic foam panels - application

Home theater soundproofing with acoustic panels and foam bass traps

Home theater soundproofing with acoustic panels and foam bass traps

Panels are used as a material for soundproofing walls and ceilings.

  • recording studios,
  • home theater,
  • home conventional cinema,
  • conference hall,
  • nightclub,
  • concert hall,
  • office,
  • in entertainment rooms,
  • as well as in industrial premises.

For effective sound absorption, acoustic panels should be used in combination with bass traps and other acoustic and soundproofing materials.

The panels are mounted on walls and ceilings and have different relief and thickness.

The most popular is the acoustic panel with a cellular relief "Pyramid" .

The panels are used as a material for soundproofing walls and ceilings of recording studios, offices, conference rooms, nightclubs, concert halls, entertainment rooms, and industrial premises.

Our company is a manufacturer of acoustic foam panels and therefore we can offer:

  • buy acoustic foam in Kyiv,
  • a wide range of acoustic foam products in stock,
  • prompt production and delivery of individual orders in Ukraine,
  • low prices,
  • international level of build quality,
  • the professionalism of our craftsmen.

Our specialists produce a complete and professional installation of acoustic foam elements. If desired, you can install the acoustic panels yourself using adhesives or double-sided tape. You can find our recommendations on the use of glue and adhesive tape in our article Do-it-yourself acoustic correction - choose glue

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