Acoustic Stands

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Why do you need speaker stands?

Have you ever wondered what the sound you hear from your studio monitors actually sounds like? Even in an atmosphere of good acoustics, you will never be able to appreciate the true quality and elegance of a vocal or musical arrangement without isolating its source from the environment. Regardless of the quality of studio monitors and their components, such as cables and mixers, the sound will have a distorted tone.

In acoustics, there is a definition that proves the need for proper placement of a studio monitor in relation to the listener. The sound from studio monitors should come out at ear level, which will significantly improve its perception and the sound quality itself. Do not forget how important it is to properly isolate studio monitors from any objects that can cause unnecessary vibrations when playing sound. The table on which your acoustic monitors stand can also become such an object. The sound may have a characteristic thud and a hoarse sound.

It is for such purposes that there are stands for acoustic monitors.

Features of stands for acoustics manufactured by EcoSound

Stands for acoustic monitors from EcoSound company will allow you to forget about such problems forever. Thanks to a specially developed concept and special assembly, our stands are ideal for any format of acoustic monitors. The ability to choose the level of inclination for the correct fit will greatly increase your chances of achieving perfect sound in your room. The unique design makes it easy to mount studio monitor stands to any surface at the angle and height you need. By purchasing stands for acoustic monitors, you get not only clear sound, but also a reduction in structural resonance.

How to buy stands for EcoSound acoustics?

Together with acoustic correction and soundproofing of the room, you will be able to professionally comprehend all the delights of the purest sound, which will undoubtedly become the best assistant in your work.

You can buy stands for studio monitors in Kyiv in the following ways:

We will be happy to deliver you speaker stands anywhere in Ukraine by a delivery service convenient for you.

Speaker stand models

Our Clients

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  • Логотип клиента телеканал Украина
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  • Логотип клиента Zinteco
  • Логотип клиента телеканал Новый
  • Логотип клиента телеканал ZIK
  • Логотип клиента Wargaming
  • Логотип клиента телеканал СТБ
  • Логотип клиента Старлайтмедиа
  • Логотип клиента Интер
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  • Логотип клиента телеканал 1+1
  • Логотип клиента телеканал 112