Acoustic correction of premises and equipment for it

  • 22 February 2017 12:29:00
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It's a well-known fact that room correction really improves the quality of sound in a room. This fact is often subjected to controversy, myths, as well as utter nonsense that this is just a big conspiracy theory in the world of the acoustic industry and acoustic correction is just an invention of dreamers from a new caste of acoustic engineers. Let's check if this is actually the case.
Our Polish colleagues conducted an independent experiment and the results fully justified and even to some extent exceeded our expectations. The level of sound perception was measured in two of the same footage, as well as the quality of the music produced in it, however, competent acoustic correction was carried out in one of the rooms, while the other test room remained untouched. Women and men, of different ages and different social statuses, were taken to each room in turn and played the same song for listening. Recall that in each room there are two completely identical audio systems, to eliminate disputes over various technical characteristics of the sound.
The result of the experiment, oddly enough, exceeded all our expectations, 89% of the testers chose a room with functional acoustic correction, justifying their decision by the fact that the sound quality is on a completely different level compared to the first room.
Despite the same footage and playing conditions for musical compositions, ordinary people were able to absolutely clearly make their choice, which automatically proves the fact that the acoustic comfort of the room is incredibly important for the best perception and it is acoustic correction that can cope with any extra background and third-party sounds and echo.
Acoustic correction of the room is carried out in order to improve not only the sound of musical compositions and live vocals, acoustic correction is very popular among the owners of nightclubs, cinemas, home theaters, large office centers, shopping centers, announcer's cabins, conference rooms, as well as karaoke bars and even large industrial enterprises.
Due to the unique properties and technologies used in the acoustic correction of rooms, requests for acoustic comfort of any type of room can be professionally and efficiently satisfied.
All technologies that include acoustic correction are aimed at a comprehensive study of sound problems in the room and
their total elimination by making calculations by an acoustic engineer and installing special equipment, such as:

Acoustic Correction Equipment acoustic panel
Controls sound reflections and reduces reverberation time in rooms.

Acoustic diffuser
Scatters the sound wave in all directions.

bass trap
Reduces resonance within low frequencies due to effective sound absorption.

Acoustic foam Pyramid
Optimizes the level of reverberation in the room.

acoustic clouds
They absorb sound and allow you to control the level of reverb.

Each of the above materials is responsible for a certain range of impact on the acoustic atmosphere in the room.
For example, acoustic panels are designed to optimally reduce reverberation time, since each person has a natural reverberation feeling, in the absence of which the sound acquires a very unpleasant cottony tone in the sound, and it is for this reason that any calculations related to the optimal reduction of reverberation should be carried out by a specialist, an acoustic engineer. . In addition, acoustic panels are aimed at creating an anechoic atmosphere in the room, which significantly improves the sound quality, thanks to the sound absorption properties provided by the structure of the material and the special relief. Control over the elimination of primary reflections is also carried out by acoustic panels. Again, thanks to the relief and the unique ability to convert sound energy into heat, acoustic panels are able to control and disperse sound waves from their body, which is quite important when working in professional recording studios. Do not forget that acoustic panels are intended for correction only in the ranges of medium and high sound frequencies, for a comprehensive solution to problems with the acoustic atmosphere in the low sound frequency range, you will need another important material for acoustic room correction - bass traps.
The control of bass waves is one of the most difficult processes in room acoustic correction, since it is almost impossible to determine the duration of a bass wave with an accuracy of up to a second, but based on a number of observations and mathematical calculations made by an acoustic engineer, this problem can be completely and completely solved. The bass trap is a powerful sound-absorbing material that significantly reduces the resonance in the sound of the room, due to friction in the frame of the bass trap, sound energy is automatically converted into heat, which comprehensively attenuates the most powerful sound waves in the low frequency range.
Acoustic diffusers are used as a competent assistant in creating a uniform sound field in a room. Acoustic diffusers are not designed to absorb sound energy, their direct task in acoustic correction is that this material complexly scatters sound waves into many small sound waves, due to which the wave loses its energy.
The quality of acoustic diffusers directly depends on the competent assembly, as well as the correctly selected relief of this material. Acoustic diffusers scatter frequencies from 600 Hz to 4500 Hz, which allows you to comprehensively eliminate the problem of excessive reflection of sound waves into the acoustic space.

You can get advice on the acoustic design of your room by contacting us in a convenient way for you:
  • order a call on our website;
  • in our office located at the address: Kiev, st. Sadovaya 27/13 ;
  • by phone numbers indicated on our website;
In one of the following articles, we will inform you about the best way to fix acoustic panels.
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