Acoustic foam rubber: what is it and where is it used?

  • 04 March 2021 22:48:16
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  • Views: 393
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Acoustic foam is a soft polyurethane foam material that is widely used for various soundproofing applications. This material absorbs sound energy and converts it into heat, which is an excellent option for comfortable arrangement of many rooms. If you equip a recording studio with such material, then all voices and music tracks will become clear. Let's look at the main advantages of this material that make it so popular.

The advantages of the presented material

  • Excellent sound insulation performance that has no equal;
  • No unpleasant odors;
  • Efficiency of installation;
  • Ease of installation, without the need for preliminary surface preparation;
  • If the product is mechanically damaged, it will quickly restore its original shape;
  • A wide selection of different colors and shapes, which will allow everyone to choose exactly what they need;

This material is produced in the form of sheets, which are covered with small bulges of foam rubber. Depending on your preferences, you can independently choose which form the product will have, since each form has its own specific performance characteristics. The cost of a product can be affected by its shape, size and structure.

Given all the above advantages of the presented material, it becomes clear why it is so popular. It is versatile in use, and its price is more than affordable. Therefore, if you want to know where you can buy high-quality acoustic materials so as not to doubt their impeccable quality, then further, you will find out the answer to your question.

Purchase of materials

If you want to purchase high-quality and proven acoustic materials, so as not to doubt their impeccable quality, then you can do this in our online store. Products are available only from well-known and certified manufacturers. We provide a free consultation on all your questions so that you can easily choose exactly what you need. Buy high-quality acoustic materials from us, and be sure that you will be satisfied with this decision. We will do everything to ensure that you do not regret cooperation with our online store.

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