
THANKS TO OUR WALL AND CEILING ACOUSTIC PANELS, WE PROVIDE FOR YOURSELF AND THE WORLD IN WORK. Sound absorbing panels are essential to create a truly acoustically comfortable workplace. Acoustic panels work best when mounted at head height, which is the level at which conversations create the most noise in the entire office space.  →More→
  • 10 February 2021 23:19:53
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A single-family house in the countryside is the dream of many parents who would like to give their child peace, quiet and the opportunity to play in the fresh air. However, the reality is often different. Busy streets and noisy neighbors are the circumstances in which most of the youngest are brought up. How do strong sounds affect their development? Are there ways to minimize noise in children's rooms?  →More→
  • 10 February 2021 23:19:12
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There are questions about working with a toddler who is surrounded by noise, loud music and an orchestra. Many believe that because their child is calm in a noisy environment, this topic does not apply to them. Unfortunately, if the problem is not visible, this does not mean that it does not exist, and children's hearing needs to be protected in a special way. What should we know about this?

  • 10 February 2021 22:46:17
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The purpose of soundproofing is to prevent sound from passing from one side to the other, or to reduce the sound that passes through to an acceptable level. The use of soundproofing is intended to protect against noise.  →More→
  • 10 February 2021 22:44:30
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Noise - any kind of noise that is undesirable or harmful to human health and life. Noise, depending on its type, can be divided into continuous and impulse. Continuous noise is noise with small changes in intensity and frequency spectrum over time, such as noise. Impulse noise, as the name suggests, is the noise from some external impulse such as gunshots. The harmfulness of noise depends on several factors: duration of exposure to noise, intensity, frequency spectrum and how it changes over time.  →More→
  • 10 February 2021 22:42:27
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Reverb is a rather uncommon concept, a term. Reverberation is associated with the phenomenon of the gradual disappearance of sound energy after the source is muffled, i.e., the occurrence of a large number of waves reflected from the surface of the room. Therefore, in a room with an echo, the human ear feels as if the sound is dragged out due to the phenomenon of reverberation. This phenomenon is best observed in empty rooms with large reflective surfaces.  →More→
  • 10 February 2021 22:38:54
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Acoustics is a branch of physics and technology that studies the formation, propagation and influence of acoustic waves. Acoustics as a science can be divided into several different areas, from general acoustics, which deals with the fundamentals, to applied acoustics, which is used to study acoustic phenomena in practice. Among the various concepts related to acoustics, we distinguish between geoacoustics, which deals with the propagation of acoustic waves in the earth's crust, and hydroacoustics, which studies the propagation of sound in water.  →More→
  • 10 February 2021 22:29:47
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Ecosound's offer includes both professional acoustic panels for the adaptation of recording studios or home theaters, and decorative sound-absorbing panels for use in apartments, offices and backyards.  →More→
  • 10 February 2021 22:23:33
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Acoustic adaptation means optimal preparation of the room in which sound will be played and recorded. Adaptation does not only consist in proper damping of the walls, but also in the choice of appropriate sizes of acoustic devices and their location, which will prevent the suppression of sound waves and thus obtain ideal sound quality.  →More→
  • 10 February 2021 22:20:22
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Acoustic panels created by us are designed for all rooms where it is necessary to ensure proper sound quality and acoustics. Therefore, it can be small rooms, recording studios, as well as huge halls for performances and dances. Acoustic wall and ceiling panels can also be used in the office and apartment.  →More→
  • 10 February 2021 04:20:56
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Those people who live in panel houses know how bad the sound insulation is in such rooms. Many often hear the noise coming from the neighbors, which disturbs. In order to get rid of such trouble, you can choose a stretch ceiling, while equipping it with additional protection. To date, there is a wide range of materials, among which you can choose exactly the one you need. Believe me, all your financial expenses will quickly pay off, because you will not only get rid of extraneous noise, but also be able to save on heating.  →More→
  • 08 January 2021 00:58:32
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Acoustic foam is a popular and sought-after material that has a high density and lasts for a long period of time without losing its original properties. Due to the fact that such a material has the shape of a pyramid, it increases the noise absorption rate. Therefore, the amplitude of sound waves begins to decrease, turning into thermal energy. Here you can find a wide range of different acoustic foam rubber, which has a different shape, color and size, so you can choose exactly what you need.  →More→
  • 08 January 2021 00:57:22
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