
In order for your employees to please you with their work results and fully cope with the tasks set, you need to take care to create comfortable working conditions for them both at the workplace and in the recreation area. Many people immediately think about buying high-quality equipment and furniture. Of course, this is important, but equally important is the acoustic environment in the room, which has a big impact on the productivity of your employees, as well as their overall mood.  →More→
  • 06 April 2021 14:39:33
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If you work in a noisy office and cannot fully gather to do your job or you do not have the opportunity to fully relax and unwind at home after a hard day's work, as extraneous noise bothers you, then the question of how to get rid of it becomes relevant for you. In order for you to understand how to deal with extraneous noise, you should start by understanding what materials are used for this.  →More→
  • 06 April 2021 14:38:22
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Everyone who works in an office knows that if the acoustics in such rooms as a meeting room or boardroom are poor, then this has a bad effect on the productivity of many employees, and also causes them stress, so how extraneous sounds constantly distract and make it impossible to concentrate. In solving this issue, it is worth starting with the fact that the walls of offices are made of concrete or brick, which perfectly reflect sound.  →More→
  • 06 April 2021 14:37:15
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Acoustic wall panels are needed to be able to correct and improve room acoustics when it is not possible to achieve the desired result using only ceiling panels. Proper acoustics is an important component of a comfortable atmosphere in the room, so it needs to be given no less attention than other arrangement issues. If you create a comfortable environment for employees, you can notice that their productivity has increased.  →More→
  • 06 April 2021 14:35:04
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The first thing I want to say is that the materials from which acoustic ceilings and panels are made are quite diverse. Now popular is the production of acoustic panels and ceilings made of natural materials, which allow you to create a pleasant microclimate in the room. Such materials can be: gypsum, wood, metal, quartz and much more. Each of the presented materials has both its own advantages and features that are important to consider in order to make the right choice.  →More→
  • 06 April 2021 14:33:49
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Acoustic panels are required to provide optimum sound levels in a room. They can be used to finish various surfaces in many types of rooms. Such panels not only do an excellent job with their direct duties, but also serve as an excellent decor. They allow you to emphasize the general idea of the interior and hide all the irregularities of the walls, which cannot but please you.  →More→
  • 06 April 2021 14:32:19
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Specialists decided to conduct an experiment in a room, which is related to the correction of acoustics. For this, a meeting room was chosen. In order for you to understand this issue more, we will clarify that the length of the room was slightly more than 6 m, the width was 4.5 m, and the height reached almost 3 m. As for the total area of \u200b\u200ball surfaces, it was 116 m, and room volume – 79.6 m.  →More→
  • 06 April 2021 14:31:02
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To run a successful business, you need to make sure that your employees feel comfortable working. This is not only about equipping the office with high-quality furniture and buying modern equipment. Also, you need to take care to create a suitable acoustic environment in the room. A lot of people really don't understand why they need to do acoustic work in the office, so we decided to show you a real example.  →More→
  • 06 April 2021 14:29:55
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Such a type of premises as a sports hall has a large area and hard reflective surfaces, due to which unpleasant acoustic phenomena are created. A longer reverberation time causes an increase in the noise level, encourages echoes, and makes it necessary to speak louder as audibility is poor. If any events are held in such a room that use equipment, then the problem becomes pronounced. In order to solve this issue, it is necessary to carry out acoustic work.  →More→
  • 06 April 2021 14:28:09
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Each of us sometimes wants to relax and visit a nightclub to dance, enjoy the music of our favorite artists, and just have a good time. Each nightclub has different DJs who offer their programs, so everyone can choose exactly the event whose performers they like. But, if we take into account the statistics, it indicates that many people are dissatisfied after visiting such places, as they do not enjoy the music, or rather, from its sound.  →More→
  • 06 April 2021 14:23:32
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Carrying out insulation work in an apartment is a large set of works that are necessary in order to dampen and distribute sound waves and vibrations of the room structure, and reduce the sound level, which can be very annoying.  →More→
  • 04 March 2021 22:51:53
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Each of us faces the problem of the presence of extraneous sounds in the room.
It can be noise of a different nature, but most often, the cause of this problem is the noise that comes from the neighbors. In such cases, you want to get rid of this problem as soon as possible in order to finally enjoy the silence in your home. To date, there are a large number of ways that allow you to cope with this goal, but they are all expensive. But, if you do not have a lot of money, but you want to get rid of such a problem, then we recommend that you turn your attention to such an option for getting rid of noise as soundproofing the floor.  →More→
  • 04 March 2021 22:50:59
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