Protection against noise from above

  • 06 may 2021 19:11:22
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Each of us was faced with the fact that noisy neighbors did not give the opportunity to fully relax and unwind, so there was a need to professionally resolve this issue. There are a large number of options that can be used to protect against noise, but not all of them will be suitable in this situation. For example, the most effective method of soundproofing is to install a floating floor in an apartment from above, but it is unlikely that your neighbors will want to spend money to make you comfortable.

Also, there is another equally effective option, which is soundproofing an apartment, that is, finishing walls, ceilings, floors and other structures that can transmit impact noise. This option can not always be used, as it is quite expensive and takes up free space. Therefore, in most cases, in order to protect yourself from extraneous noise, most often, such an option as a suspended soundproof ceiling is chosen, which does an excellent job with the task.

The soundproof ceiling is a modern design that includes a layer of soft sound-absorbing material, which is sheathed with a protective layer of dense sheets of drywall. Layers of elastic material can be used to provide additional noise protection. Almost always, such a system is installed on the ceiling using a metal frame. But, you can use frameless structures, which have a large number of advantages.

During the installation of a frame false ceiling, care must be taken to create the correct acoustic decoupling of its components so that there are no rigid connections with the structure. Only a qualified specialist who has all the necessary equipment and relevant skills can perform such a robot. You should not do such work on your own, because out of ignorance you can make a mistake and not get the desired result from such work.

In that situation, if you decide to get rid of the extraneous noise that comes from your neighbors, and you need help, you can contact the specialists of our company who will help you in resolving this issue. In our work, we use only high-quality materials and technological equipment, so you can be sure that the work will be done professionally.

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