Rack rack - what is it?

  • 23 September 2020 18:43:20
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An inexperienced person who first encountered the issue of selecting equipment for sound recording may be interested in the question - rack rack - what is it? In fact, such an incomprehensible name hides a metal structure designed for an orderly arrangement and reliable fixation of various sound and switching equipment that is used in a recording studio. Rack racks are also called cabinets, shelves, cases.

There is a wide variety of rack stands on the market today for various recording studios. All such racks can be divided into two broad categories - single-frame and double-frame. The first are a combination of two vertical racks, which are installed on top of a perfectly flat base. In the upper part of the structure, the use of another horizontal bar is implied, which connects these two vertical guides. The structure is usually fastened with appropriate fasteners.

As for the two-frame racks, they are a little more complicated in their design. In particular, it consists of two frames interconnected by fasteners. An ideal option for a recording studio is telescopic two-frame rack stands. They allow you to place sound recording equipment, which can be of different sizes and weights. And such racks are suitable for almost any equipment.

Rack rack types:

  • cabinets;
  • cabinets;
  • desktop stationary racks;
  • racks mobile, on wheels.

If the width of rack stands is more or less standardized and corresponds to the width of the recording equipment, then their height can vary over a wide range. In particular, the height of a rack rack can be affected by the height of the studio ceilings, as well as the amount and height of equipment that is intended to be placed in the corresponding rack.

For mobile recording studios or live performances, it makes more sense to use a mobile rack case instead of a fixed rack. Typically, such equipment has wheels for movement and handles for carrying. Mobile cases are perfect for transporting equipment over long distances, for example, during concerts or tours.

Some musicians and recording studio workers make their own racks out of plywood or similar material. However, this is not the best solution. Currently, there are many inexpensive and practical examples of any rack racks on the market.

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