Solutions used for floor soundproofing

  • 06 may 2021 19:18:48
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All residents of high-rise buildings know that the sound insulation of floors in such houses leaves much to be desired. The sound insulation index of the interfloor overlap is almost always 18–11 dB less than indicated in the rules. Due to this situation, airborne, structural or impact noise can penetrate between ceilings and cause you discomfort. It will not be possible to solve such a problem by increasing the mass of the floor, since the situation can only worsen. Therefore, experts use various designs that allow you to ensure that extraneous noise will not penetrate into your room.

How to solve the noise problem?

Installing a floating floor is an excellent solution that will allow you to achieve high-quality sound insulation in the room. A layer of elastic material is installed on the floor slab, on top of which a screed is applied, from the material that you choose. This design option is the least susceptible to resonance, so you can ensure that your house will be quiet. In order to improve the performance of a floating floor, it is recommended to use materials that have a low dynamic modulus.

They can be thin and have a thickness of 3 to 20 mm, but if you choose a material that will have a thickness of 40 to 50 mm, then you can be sure that you can get rid of not only impact noise, but also airborne noise. . Therefore, it can be concluded that in order to improve sound insulation, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the elastic layer. If you choose quality materials for your floating floor, you will be able to achieve a 40 dB reduction in impact sound, but you will have to reduce the height of the room by about 10-12 cm.

In the event that the ceiling height does not allow such a floating floor design, then you can choose to arrange the floor on logs. This option involves the use of lags that are attached to each other, and the space between them is filled with material that absorbs noise. After that, the flooring is installed on top.

As you can see, creating a floating floor structure is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance, so it’s better not to risk it, but immediately trust the professionals who can do this job. Turning to the specialists of our company, you can be sure that the work will be done professionally.


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