Noise is perceived as a real problem, harmful to health. To protect yourself from it, there are solutions: the best technical solution is to reduce the noise level by effectively soundproofing various walls, corners and noise conductors.
Noise is the emission of sound vibrations heard by humans. These fluctuations correspond to changes in air pressure (pressure, depression). Noise is expressed in decibels (dB). The decibel measures the sound pressure level of noise or sound.
The sound level indicates the intensity of the noise (or sound) compared to a reference scale: 10 to 130 decibels, acoustic pressure corresponds to different types of noise sources and generates a perception ranging from calm (below 40 dB) to pain (above 120 dB)
Noise scale:
The evaluation or measurement of noise makes it possible, on the basis of the identified sound, to determine the purpose of isolation for a given sound level. To be noticeable, any acoustic improvement, most commonly expressed as "attenuation level" or "isolation", must be at least 3 dB.
We can distinguish four main types of noise that you need to protect yourself from for a comfortable living environment:
External airborne noise is transmitted through the air and through walls, facades, windows, roofs, as well as laterally through internal walls and partitions.
Airborne interior noise propagates in the room from which it is emitted, then directly through walls and partitions separating two rooms, and indirectly through side walls or floor and ceiling partitions.
Impact noise, or structure noise, or even impact noise is transmitted by vibration of the structure and building walls (floors or walls) and side walls.
Equipment noise can be transmitted directly or indirectly through the air and as impact noise when walls vibrate.
There are 2 main principles: