6 options for soundproofing walls using MaxSound soundproofing material.

  • 09 April 2020 15:51:55
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We bring to your attention the results of measurements of the soundproofing characteristics of structures used by our company for soundproofing walls.

Macsound Prof material was used as the main soundproofing material, and Acoustic mineral wool as an auxiliary.

Knauf Titan 12.5 mm drywall was used as partitions. To reduce the vibration that the structure transmits and receives, the drywall profile was fixed using VIBRONET vibration fasteners.

8 variants of combinations of these soundproofing materials were studied in combination with a different number of drywall sheets outside and inside it.

The results were very interesting and quite unexpected for many specialists in soundproofing rooms.

For example, a structure assembled from Macsound Prof, which was placed between two layers of 2 sheets of drywall, turned out to be equivalent in terms of sound insulation index with a structure in which a layer of acoustic mineral wool was used between the wall and the first layer of drywall. And outside, another layer of Macsound prof was installed and a layer of two sheets of drywall.

At the beginning of the article, information is provided on each specific soundproofing option, and in conclusion, for the convenience of comparing the effectiveness of each of the methods, we summarized the results of all studies in one block.

  1. Macsound 20mm or 40mm thick, which is placed between two sheets of drywall.

    For the measurement, sheets of Macsound Prof soundproofing material 20 mm thick and 40 mm thick were alternately used.

    Звукоизоляция стены с помощью листа Macsound prof между двух листов гипсокартонаЗвукоизоляция стены с помощью листа Macsound prof между двух листов гипсокартона

    Symbols in the soundproofing scheme

    • Стена


    • крепеж

      Fixing drywall to the wall

    • Гипсокартон

      drywall sheet

    • Macsound

      Soundproofing material Macsound prof

    • Акустическая минеральная вата

      Acoustic mineral wool

    Characteristics of the soundproof structure
    Macsound prof sheet thickness, mm Sound insulation index R w , dB Total structure thickness, mm
    twenty 39 85
    40 43 105
  2. Macsound 20 mm or 40 mm thick, which is located between two layers of two sheets of drywall.

    For the measurement, sheets of Macsound Prof soundproofing material 20 mm thick and 40 mm thick were alternately used.

    Звукоизоляция стены с помощью листа Macsound prof между двух слоев по два листа гипсокартона/image/data/Macsound/sketches/440/zvukoizolyaciya-sten-w_drywall-macsound-w_drywall-visual.jpg 1x, /image/data/Macsound/sketches/880/zvukoizolyaciya-sten-w_drywall-macsound-w_drywall-visual.jpg 2x" /> Звукоизоляция стены с помощью листа Macsound prof между двух слоев по два листа гипсокартона

    Symbols in the soundproofing scheme

    • Стена


    • крепеж

      Fixing drywall to the wall

    • Гипсокартон

      drywall sheet

    • Macsound

      Soundproofing material Macsound prof

    • Акустическая минеральная вата

      Acoustic mineral wool

    Characteristics of the soundproof structure
    Macsound prof sheet thickness, mm Sound insulation index R w , dB Total structure thickness, mm
    twenty 42 98
    40 45 118
  3. Macsound 40 mm thick, which is located between one sheet of drywall on the side of the soundproofing surface and two sheets of drywall on the outside.

    Максаунд толщиной 40 мм, который расположен между одним листом гипсокартона со стороны звукоизолируемой поверхности и двумя листами гипсокартона с наружной стороныЗвукоизоляция стены с помощью листа Macsound prof между двух слоев по два листа гипсокартона

    Symbols in the soundproofing scheme

    • Стена


    • крепеж

      Fixing drywall to the wall

    • Гипсокартон

      drywall sheet

    • Macsound

      Soundproofing material Macsound prof

    • Акустическая минеральная вата

      Acoustic mineral wool

    Characteristics of the soundproof structure
    Macsound prof sheet thickness, mmSound insulation index R w , dB Total structure thickness, mm
    40 43 105
  4. Macsound 40 mm thick, which is located between one sheet of drywall and soundproofing surface

    Максаунд толщиной 40 мм, который расположен между одним листом гипсокартона и звукоизолируемой поверхностьюМаксаунд толщиной 40 мм, который расположен между одним листом гипсокартона и звукоизолируемой поверхностью

    Symbols in the soundproofing scheme

    • Стена


    • крепеж

      Fixing drywall to the wall

    • Гипсокартон

      drywall sheet

    • Macsound

      Soundproofing material Macsound prof

    • Акустическая минеральная вата

      Acoustic mineral wool

    Characteristics of the soundproof structure
    Macsound prof sheet thickness, mm Sound insulation index R w , dB Total structure thickness, mm
    40 32 53
  5. Macsound 40 mm thick, which is located between two sheets of drywall and a soundproof surface

    Максаунд толщиной 40 мм, который расположен между двумя листами гипсокартона и звукоизолируемой поверхностьюМаксаунд толщиной 40 мм, который расположен между одним листом гипсокартона и звукоизолируемой поверхностью

    Symbols in the soundproofing scheme

    • Стена


    • крепеж

      Fixing drywall to the wall

    • Гипсокартон

      drywall sheet

    • Macsound

      Soundproofing material Macsound prof

    • Акустическая минеральная вата

      Acoustic mineral wool

    Characteristics of the soundproof structure
    Macsound prof sheet thickness, mm Sound insulation index R w , dB Total structure thickness, mm
    40 34 66
  6. Macsound 40 mm thick, which is located between two sheets of drywall on the outside and one sheet on the side of the soundproof surface. Between the inner sheet of gypsum board and the soundproofing surface there is soundproofing wool.

    Максаунд толщиной 40 мм, который расположен между двумя листами гипсокартона и звукоизолируемой поверхностьюМаксаунд толщиной 40 мм, который расположен между двумя листами гипсокартона и звукоизолируемой поверхностью

    Symbols in the soundproofing scheme

    • Стена


    • крепеж

      Fixing drywall to the wall

    • Гипсокартон

      drywall sheet

    • Macsound

      Soundproofing material Macsound prof

    • Акустическая минеральная вата

      Acoustic mineral wool

    Characteristics of the soundproof structure
    Macsound prof sheet thickness, mm Sound insulation index R w , dB Total structure thickness, mm
    40 43 118


All of the above options for soundproofing schemes

  • Звукоизоляция стены с помощью листа Macsound prof между двух листов гипсокартона

    Macsound prof between two sheets of drywall

  • Звукоизоляция стены с помощью листа Macsound prof между двух слоев по два листа гипсокартона

    Macsound prof between two layers of 2 sheets of drywall

  • Максаунд толщиной 40 мм, который расположен между одним листом гипсокартона со стороны звукоизолируемой поверхности и двумя листами гипсокартона с наружной стороны

    Macsound prof between one and two sheets of drywall

  • Максаунд толщиной 40 мм, который расположен между одним листом гипсокартона и звукоизолируемой поверхностью

    Macsound prof between wall and drywall sheet

  • Максаунд толщиной 40 мм, который расположен между двумя листами гипсокартона и звукоизолируемой поверхностью

    Macsound prof 40 mm between wall and two drywall sheets

  • Максаунд толщиной 40 мм, который расположен между двумя листами гипсокартона и звукоизолируемой поверхностью

    Wall - Wool - Macsound prof 40 mm between one and two sheets of drywall

Symbols in the soundproofing scheme

  • Стена


  • крепеж

    Fixing drywall to the wall

  • Гипсокартон

    drywall sheet

  • Macsound

    Soundproofing material Macsound prof

  • Акустическая минеральная вата

    Acoustic mineral wool

Characteristics of soundproof structures
Type of soundproof construction Macsound prof sheet thickness, mm Sound insulation index R w , dB Total structure thickness, mm
Macsound 20 mm thick, which is located between two sheets of drywall. twenty 39 85
Macsound 40 mm thick, which is located between two sheets of drywall. 40 43 105
Macsound 20 mm thick, which is located between two layers of two sheets of drywall. twenty 42 98
Macsound 40 mm thick, which is located between two layers of two sheets of drywall. 40 45 118
Macsound 40 mm thick, which is located between one sheet of drywall on the side of the soundproofing surface and two sheets of drywall on the outside. 40 43 105
Macsound 40 mm thick, which is located between one sheet of drywall and soundproofing surface 40 32 53
Macsound 40 mm thick, which is located between two sheets of drywall and a soundproof surface 40 34 66
Macsound 40 mm thick, which is located between two sheets of drywall on the outside and one sheet on the side of the soundproof surface. between the inner sheet of gypsum board and the soundproofing surface there is a soundproofing cotton wool. 40 43 118
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