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Soundproofing (Noise isolation) is a reduction in the level of extraneous noise.

Due to the fact that in concrete buildings the sound conductivity is higher than in buildings built from other materials, the degree of sound insulation for different types of buildings will be different.

According to the nature of the occurrence of noise, there are also various types.

Structural noise

impact noise

Appears when impacts are made on the structure of the building, the vibrations of which are transmitted along the walls and ceilings far enough in proportion to their strength.

Buildings that were built of concrete are most susceptible to such noise.

The sources of such noise can be:

  • blows from construction tools;
  • strikes made by neighbors on the floor, walls, ceiling;
  • the sound of closing doors;
  • the sound of footsteps and the like.
airborne noise

airborne noise

airborne noise

It is transmitted through the air, and colliding with the structure of the building, partially settles in it, and the residual vibrations enter the structure of neighboring rooms.

The degree of noise absorption depends on the type of wall, ceiling and floor material, as well as its thickness.

Airborne noise sources are often:

  • voices of people and animals;
  • music;
  • construction tools.
acoustic noise

acoustic noise

acoustic noise

Appears in empty rooms with little or no furniture.

The main effect of acoustic noise is reverberation (echo).

Heard inside the same room as the noise source

Effective in combating it are acoustic components made of acoustic foam rubber, which should be installed in places where these noises occur - walls and corners.

The specialists of our company conduct free consultations on the acoustic correction of rooms , as a result of which you will know which elements in which places of the room are better to install

Room soundproofing services

Soundproofing required

A professional approach to the soundproofing of rooms as a whole, or partial soundproofing of problem areas of the room (walls, floors, ceilings, plumbing communications) allows you to minimize all types of noise.

Unfortunately, both in houses of previous generations and in new buildings, building designers in most cases did not take care of the acoustic comfort of residents and workers.

This applies even to VIP segment buildings.

For the most part, these are monolithic concrete structures that perfectly transmit various kinds of noise vibrations.

It is much better to rest and work in silence, so the owners have to solve the issue of soundproofing their premises both independently and with the help of specialists.

The result of soundproofing works - absorption of external noise, is achieved through the design, production and installation of special soundproofing, vibration-proofing and acoustic solutions based on soundproofing and vibration-proofing materials, acoustic components, as well as the supporting structure.

If extraneous noise interferes with your work or rest, you can contact qualified specialists of our company who will offer several options for soundproofing and noise reduction of your premises.

We are ready to offer you the best solution for soundproofing your premises.

Our team has extensive experience in soundproofing:

  • office space,
  • living quarters,
  • home cinemas,
  • TV studios
  • shopping and entertainment centers.

We carry out soundproofing with the help of experienced personnel and materials that comply with sanitary and fire safety standards.

We do quality work, neatly, beautifully and on time.

To receive advice on questions of interest, please fill out the feedback form or contact us in any way convenient for you.


Soundproofing is an essential consideration for anyone looking to create a peaceful and quiet living or working environment. With the increasing levels of noise pollution in our daily lives, soundproofing has become a popular solution to block out unwanted noise and create a more comfortable space. There are several methods and materials available for soundproofing, including floor soundproofing, room soundproofing, and wall soundproofing.

In the USA, soundproofing has become a common practice in homes, offices, schools, and other commercial buildings. With the rise of urbanization and the increasing number of noisy environments, the need for soundproofing solutions has become more apparent. Whether you are looking to reduce the noise from foot traffic in your apartment, block out the sounds of your noisy neighbors, or create a quiet workspace in your office, soundproofing can help you achieve the peace and quiet you desire.

Floor soundproofing is an effective method to reduce the impact of noise traveling through floors. This is particularly important in apartment buildings, where noise from neighbors living above can be a major source of disturbance. By installing soundproofing materials under your flooring, you can reduce the transmission of sound from footsteps, furniture movement, and other sources of noise. This can create a more peaceful and quiet living space, free from the distractions of noisy neighbors.

Room soundproofing is another popular method for creating a quiet environment. This involves adding soundproofing materials to the walls, ceiling, and doors of a room to reduce the transmission of sound from the outside. Whether you are looking to block out traffic noise, reduce the sound of a nearby construction site, or create a quiet space for music practice, room soundproofing can help you achieve the peace and quiet you desire.

Wall soundproofing is a crucial aspect of soundproofing in any building. Walls are the primary barrier to sound transmission, so it is important to ensure that they are properly insulated and soundproofed. This can involve adding soundproofing materials to the walls, such as acoustic panels, foam insulation, or resilient channel systems. By soundproofing your walls, you can create a more peaceful and quiet environment, free from the distractions of outside noise.

In conclusion, soundproofing is an essential consideration for anyone looking to create a quiet and peaceful living or working environment in the USA. Whether you are looking to block out noise from neighbors, reduce the impact of foot traffic in your apartment, or create a quiet workspace in your office, soundproofing can help you achieve the peace and quiet you desire. By utilizing floor soundproofing, room soundproofing, and wall soundproofing methods, you can create a more comfortable and enjoyable space for yourself and those around you.

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  • Логотип клиента Zinteco
  • Логотип клиента телеканал Новый
  • Логотип клиента телеканал ZIK
  • Логотип клиента Wargaming
  • Логотип клиента телеканал СТБ
  • Логотип клиента Старлайтмедиа
  • Логотип клиента Интер
  • Логотип клиента Датаробот
  • Логотип клиента Мегого
  • Логотип клиента телеканал 1+1
  • Логотип клиента телеканал 112