How to make soundproofing in an apartment: effective solutions, modern materials

  • 02 April 2020 13:59:27
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Neighbors began to interfere with loud noise, car alarms go off every now and then, and railway tracks are located next to the dwelling? Irritants in the form of loud sounds have an extremely negative effect on the nervous system, as well as on proper rest and healthy sleep after a long working day. Today, the issue of sound insulation is acute, regardless of whether you live in a new building or in a Soviet-era house.

acoustic panels

How to make competent soundproofing, which will allow you to forget forever about the noise coming from neighboring apartments, elevator shafts, entrances and windows? Today we will talk about effective materials for this, as well as touch on the popular "floating" floors on various types of foundations.

With an unsuccessful location of a residential building, the presence of gaps in the walls and cracks? There is no point in putting up with it and continuing to do nothing. What is the cost of soundproofing in an apartment, and how to get a quality result? Guided by true experts, you will be able to choose a solution for yourself, taking into account your own budget, as well as individual needs.

What is the best material for soundproofing?

The answer to this question can be given in two ways. At a minimum, it depends on the material chosen, as well as the features and nature of the room itself. As a rule, there are a huge number of solutions that are suitable for the implementation of the plan.

Mineral wool and its benefits

This type of material is in great demand due to its ability to absorb extraneous sound. It is capable of absorbing up to 95% of various noises, including structural and airborne ones. But, she also has disadvantages. It perfectly absorbs water, which makes it impossible to lay in rooms with a high level of humidity.

Cases when neighbors from above pour water on those living below are not uncommon. And if this happens, mineral wool loses all consumer qualities, and it is almost impossible to restore them. To achieve the desired result in eliminating noise, it is sometimes necessary to lay this type of material in several layers. Because of this, first of all, the volume of the room suffers, which can be reduced in some cases by several cubic meters.

In addition, it should be noted that over time, mineral wool fibers disintegrate, which can affect the health of people prone to allergies. This option is not the most practical solution, as there are a huge number of different materials on the market.

Advantages and disadvantages of cork coatings

Many people stop their eyes on this material. The cork coating is hypoallergenic, highly resistant to wear, mold and mildew. In addition, it is perfectly protected from moisture. When using it, you can also get a pleasant and beautiful appearance.

However, it is worth considering that using only this material will not give a full guarantee that you will be protected from noise. Of the minuses, the ability to fade under the sun stands out, as well as the high cost, which, if the walls are soundproofed, will cost a pretty penny.

Optimal noise reduction options

It's no secret that everyone wants to get more while spending less. There is a universal "recipe" that is suitable for every consumer who decides to make soundproofing:

  • Efficiency. It is necessary to rely on the indicators of reflection or absorption of sound with a small amount of material.
  • Price availability. The material should be of low cost. Note that it is not very high. Nowadays, it is important to understand that cheap material cannot be of high quality, and this is a bitter truth. This is especially worth considering when buying any building materials, starting from nails.
  • Environmental friendliness. Nowadays, when the purity of the air in cities leaves much to be desired, I want at least the air at home to be cleaner. Today, high-quality soundproofing material should be hypoallergenic.
  • Practical, as well as reliable during installation and subsequent operation.

We recommend using Macsound prof for sound and noise insulation, which meets all the requirements, especially for soundproofing walls and ceilings, high-density material from the Macsound prof series in a thickness of 40 mm . Their quality is confirmed by many tests in the environment of the production complex, as well as by independent persons.

Soundproofing for apartment walls

Isolation from the noise of neighbors on the floor is a fairly common phenomenon. As a rule, the following solutions are used for such measures:

  • Gypsum board materials with a frame, OSB or chipboard with sound-absorbing filling. They allow not only to achieve efficiency, but also have a cosmetic effect, for example, it concerns the alignment of walls.
  • Sound-absorbing materials, rolled up, as well as ready-made plates, which are attached to the adhesive base. At the same time, it is not necessary to assemble any frames in order to mount decorative surfaces. A good option for these purposes is Macsound prof soundproofing material.

Before you buy one or another option, weigh everything well. You will have to sacrifice usable floor space to achieve the goal. First you need to establish the source of loud noise. In some cases, such a solution is complex, but not universal. However, this is quite enough so that the neighbors behind the wall do not annoy with loud noise.

Frame type structures

There is a very simple way to soundproof walls using materials with a frame :

  • All cracks and gaps in the walls are filled with silicone sealant.
  • Next, Vibronet vibration isolation mounts are used for sound insulation.
  • As far as possible, the soundproofing structure is thickened.
  • The frame is filled with sound-absorbing materials over the entire area, we recommend Macsound prof in a thickness of at least 40 mm.
  • Double-glazed windows and doors are installed, which have soundproofing properties.
  • The remaining possible sound penetration into the apartment, for example, ventilation, is isolated.

Is it possible to do it yourself? Making the installation of soundproof structures is not very difficult. If you have at least the basic skills of construction and installation work, you have a complete set of necessary construction tools, you can save a lot. However, for the implementation of larger projects than soundproofing walls, you should turn to qualified specialists.

Creating soundproofing on the ceiling

When upstairs neighbors often have parties or just like to make some noise, and contacting the relevant authorities does not bear fruit, soundproofing the ceiling is an ideal solution. It is noteworthy that this service is used by both the inhabitants of "Khrushchev" and new skyscrapers. After all, every now and then you can stumble upon construction errors, as well as the consequences of using an insufficient amount of building materials, or their insufficient quality.

We emphasize right away that “soundproof” ceilings are a real coup by the implementers of this type of product. To make ceiling noise insulation, sound-absorbing material Macsound prof is installed under the hinged structure. One of the options for this kind of protection is also a frame on which drywall sheets are attached. It can also be vibration-proof suspensions and various fillers for soundproofing.

But perhaps the most effective option is to create a structure called a floating floor from the neighbors from above. Alas, in the vast majority of emerging problems of this kind, the goals will remain unattainable on moral principles and ethical considerations.

Soundproof floor in the apartment: how to do it?

Soundproof flooring in an apartment building solves many problems. The first floors of the houses are rented for all kinds of shops, hairdressers and beauty salons. Meanwhile, constantly rattling the door and running electrical appliances will in no way improve the quality of life.

Residents of the upper floors with the help of such a floor can end the constant scandals, as well as the endless dragging from place to place of massive furniture. Unfortunately, most modern houses are made as if from cardboard, and often even a conversation is heard very well.

"Floating" floors using concrete screed

As discussed above, creating a floating floor remains the most effective option for soundproofing. In new homes, this option is especially preferred, as it does not involve a large amount of dismantling work. A material with sound absorption - Macsound prof 10 or 20 mm thick is laid on concrete floors, and a reinforced screed is made directly on it.

Next, a subfloor is installed under the floor - Macsound prof in a thickness of 5 mm , and a floor covering is laid on top. It is very important that the reinforced screed is not part of any structure, otherwise all efforts will go down the drain. Parts of soundproofing materials should also be used as a separator. This will eliminate "sound bridges" - when sound is reflected better in one part of the floor, and worse in another.

There is also another type of floating floor - on the logs. As a rule, it is used in such premises where it is not possible to perform a full-fledged concrete screed. To concrete ceilings, in this case, the logs are connected using vibration fasteners, and all the spaces between them are filled with the necessary soundproofing material. The soundproofing effect of the floating floor on the joists is enhanced by the underlayment and slabs of plywood, chipboard or OSB. And the resulting gaps are eliminated by filling various silicone gels.

With proper calculations and installation of various sound insulation materials, it is possible to reduce the level of extraneous noise from twenty to thirty decibels. This indicator will depend on several factors - the thickness of the soundproofing coatings and the characteristics of the floors. To dampen vibrations in floating floors, special supports are used.

Before you start soundproofing your apartment yourself, there are a few important points to consider. First, before starting work, you should at least consult with a qualified acoustician. If you do not have the proper installation and construction skills, entrust this to professional workers.

Secondly, it is better to start doing soundproofing and soundproofing work before starting repairs, along with a set of work on finishing rooms. So you can save a lot of money. Even if you then look for local places of noise and eliminate them. Third, and most importantly, there is no need to completely isolate yourself from noise, and you should not do it. The most comfortable mark of the noise level in the apartment is from twenty to thirty-five decibels.

The effect of a lifeless apartment, all this ringing silence, is not only not recommended by psychologists, but can also cause irreparable harm to your mental health. And finally, the advice of self-taught people, whose knowledge is not supported by any theory of architectural physics, or by an acoustics course at the university, should be avoided. This on the Internet - a dime a dozen. It is important to be able to choose the most truthful and informative source.

We hope that this material could help you in determining what set of soundproofing measures you need in your apartment. You can contact our experts online and get the necessary advice on any issue of soundproofing an apartment. On the page "Contacts" you can find all the information you need to contact.

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