
After you get home, you want to relax and unwind, and when there is some extraneous noise, you can't do it. Noise can be different, just like its source. But, the problem can be solved, as there are special insulating materials. It is worth starting with the fact that the greatest amount of noise is passed through walls and partitions. Considering the outer walls, you can come to the conclusion that nothing needs to be done with them, a simple installation of high-quality windows will be enough. If this is not possible, then you can use a sealant for old windows.  →More→
  • 10 September 2021 14:21:20
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Probably, not everyone thought that loud noise not only spoils our mood, but also negatively affects our general condition. After all, it is not just that at the legislative level there is a time when people must observe silence. If you are constantly under the influence of noise, then you may face health problems. It can be hearing loss, nervous breakdowns and much more. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out isolation of the room in order not to encounter such problems.  →More→
  • 10 September 2021 14:20:21
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If you live in an apartment building, then you probably encounter noise that comes from neighbors or from the street. This can be annoying, so there is a need to isolate and get rid of the problem. The cost of such work is high, but believe that it is worth it. We suggest you consider soundproof membranes and panels. If you follow the opinion of experts, they say that the best option for insulation is the installation of soundproof membranes. They perfectly absorb noise, and serve as an excellent addition to any interior.  →More→
  • 10 September 2021 14:19:22
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A hotel is a place that should be quiet and comfortable so that all the guests who visit it can relax. In this matter, it is important to ensure that noise does not become a problem. It can be different, for example, you can hear conversations from a neighboring room, music from a restaurant, and so on. Do not forget about the insulation of sewer pipes, which can create a lot of noise. It is recommended that this issue be addressed when the design is in progress.  →More→
  • 10 September 2021 14:18:39
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There is no such house, the insulation in which could have the values that we need. This is especially true for panel houses. There are a large number of insulating materials on the construction market that allow you to deal with the problem.  →More→
  • 10 September 2021 14:17:36
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Almost all wall insulation is made from protective screens or panels that absorb sound. In wide access, you can find not only individual materials, but also ready-made solutions for performing work. Their installation should be carried out by a qualified specialist who has all the necessary equipment and knowledge. It should be understood that screens can be single-layer or multi-layer. If we consider the multilayer version, then it allows you to increase the thickness of the wall up to 15 cm, and can be used in any room. It is best if their use is provided for by the project of the room.  →More→
  • 10 September 2021 14:16:53
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Basically, all residents of panel houses complain that their house has too high audibility, which creates a lot of discomfort. Of course, few people will like this, so many are thinking about how to conduct isolation, which will get rid of the problem. In order to improve the insulation in the room, it is recommended to use drywall. Acoustic drywall is a material that has perforations and copes with the reflection of sound. It is used for finishing various surfaces.  →More→
  • 10 September 2021 14:15:59
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Insulation in a panel house is of poor quality, therefore, when installing a stretch ceiling, many consumers think about the need for additional noise protection. In this situation, it is proposed to use a large number of different materials, each of which has its own characteristics. They allow you to get rid of annoying noise, and serve as an additional source of thermal insulation. At the same time, you can reduce the cost of maintaining the premises in the winter. To insulate the ceiling in the apartment, a special material is installed, which is placed between the base and the canvas.  →More→
  • 10 September 2021 14:14:45
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Each of us knows that extraneous sounds in the room negatively affect our mood, so everything must be done to get rid of them. In order to save money, some decide to do all the work themselves. That's what we'll talk about next.  →More→
  • 10 September 2021 14:13:19
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Probably everyone who lives in an apartment building has such a problem as constant noise that does not allow you to properly relax and unwind. It can be different, but in any case, it creates a lot of trouble, so there is a need to eliminate it. Among many consumers, soundproofing is popular, which does an excellent job with its goals. But, there are situations in which it is not possible to use sound insulation, which necessitates additional finishing. An excellent option that will make it possible to get rid of the problem are acoustic panels made from wood fiber.  →More→
  • 10 September 2021 14:07:38
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Every competent manager knows that the interior of the office is a demonstration of the company's image, so there is a need for the room to look stylish and modern. Any organization should pay attention to the quality of furniture and the availability of modern equipment, but you should not forget about comfortable conditions for its employees and office visitors. It's no news to anyone that the office has a large number of meetings that take place in conference rooms, so you need to think about how to arrange this place so that everyone is comfortable.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:29:55
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Everyone knows that the pool is located in a room that has a large number of reflective surfaces, which makes the acoustic environment completely uncomfortable. The constant noise from the water, the communication of people on the podium, teaching children how to use whistles, the applause of the audience and many other sounds that are reflected many times from surfaces do not allow not only coaches, but also wards to concentrate on training.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:28:38
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