
Probably more than half of the employees in any company are distracted by the noise that can appear during the performance of work duties. Such noise can be not only periodic, but also constant, which negatively affects their productivity. Almost 70% of employees say that if they create comfortable working conditions in the room and eliminate extraneous noise, they will be able to do their job better.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:27:08
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We all notice that new fitness centers are constantly opening, where people can create the figure of their dreams and play the sport they like. There is always noise in such places, and this is quite predictable, but people who live near the hall may be unhappy that the noise from the hall reaches their house and disturbs them.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:25:53
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Any builder who needs to build a high-quality room should pay attention to creating sound insulation in it that will comply with norms and quality standards. Previously, this issue was not given due attention, as there were no relevant requirements. But, now norms and standards have appeared that indicate what kind of noise protection should be in a particular room. In order to reduce the noise level in the office, you need to get rid of the penetration of extraneous external noise that can get inside from the street.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:24:46
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If you want your employees to please you with their work results and perform all the tasks that you set for them, then you need to take care to create comfortable working conditions for them not only in the workplace, but and in the recreation area. Some may think that it is about buying quality equipment and furniture. No one will argue that this is important, but equally important is the acoustic environment in the room, which has an impact on productivity and on the emotional state.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:23:10
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If you are an employee of an office in which there is a high level of noise and you cannot fully get together to do your job or you do not have the opportunity to properly relax and unwind at home after work, as extraneous noise interferes with you , then surely you are wondering about how you can get rid of the problem, and enjoy the silence. It will be difficult for a beginner to understand this issue, so you need to initially understand what materials are there and what they are used for.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:21:53
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If you work in an office, then you know that if there is poor acoustics in such rooms as a meeting room or meeting room, which affects the productivity of many employees, and provokes their psycho-emotional stress, since Extraneous sounds are constantly distracting and do not allow you to concentrate. To fix the situation, we need to talk about the fact that the walls of the office are made of concrete or brick, which perfectly reflect the sound.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:20:38
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Acoustic wall panels are used to be able to correct the acoustics in the room and improve when it is not possible to get the desired result using only ceiling panels. Suitable acoustics is an important component of a comfortable atmosphere in the room, which makes it necessary to pay special attention to this issue, and not save on work. If you create a comfortable environment for employees, you will notice that labor productivity has begun to increase.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:19:24
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The first thing you need to know is that acoustic ceilings and panels can be made from different materials, which will cause their cost to vary. In the modern world, the production of acoustic panels and ceilings from natural materials is popular among consumers, which allow creating a pleasant indoor microclimate. It is customary to refer to such materials: gypsum, wood, metal, quartz and much more. Each material has its own characteristics and advantages that you need to know about in order to be able to make the right choice.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:17:47
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Acoustic panels are needed to provide an optimal sound level in the room. They can be used for finishing different surfaces in almost all rooms. They make it possible to cope with any acoustic problems, and serve as an excellent decor. They will help you focus on the general idea of the interior and hide all the bumps in the walls, which cannot but please you.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:15:19
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Acoustic specialists have decided to conduct an experiment that aims to correct the acoustics. To carry out their plan, they chose a meeting room. For a general concept, it is important to know that the length of the room was slightly more than 6 m, the width was 4.5 m, and the height reached almost 3 m. If we consider the total area of each surface, then in total it was 116 m, and the volume of the room was 79, 6 pm  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:12:32
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To be able to run a successful business, you need to make sure that your employees feel comfortable working. This means not only that you need to choose high-quality office furniture, but also do not forget that you need to create a suitable acoustic environment for the room. Some people don't understand the point of doing acoustic work in the office, so we decided to show you a real example.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:09:59
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A gym is a space that has a large area and hard reflective surfaces, which can cause acoustic discomfort. Longer reverberation times increase the noise level, contribute to echoes, and make it necessary to speak louder, because normal speech is simply not audible. When certain events are held in gyms, the problem becomes pronounced, as the equipment is used. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to carry out acoustic work. A gym is exactly the kind of room that has a large area and hard reflective surfaces, which can cause acoustic discomfort. Longer reverberation times increase the noise level, contribute to echoes, and make it necessary to speak louder, because normal speech is simply not audible. When certain events are held in gyms, the problem becomes pronounced, as the equipment is used. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to carry out acoustic work.
sports hall

Benefits of Acoustic Work

  • Elimination of many acoustic problems that arose in the room;
  • The opportunity to buy high quality materials at an affordable cost, and not to doubt their impeccable quality;
  • Ease of installation of materials;
  • You can place photo printing or advertising banners on all acoustic materials;
  • Ease of use;
  • High decorative possibilities of sound-absorbing materials;
Having carried out acoustic work in the gym, you can get:
  • High rates of pressure noise reduction, which negatively affects the general condition;
  • Workouts become more effective;
  • Increasing the number of people who visit the gym;
  • Music and voices, when conducting events, become accurate;
It can be understood that performing acoustic work in the gym is an important step that should not be skipped, and has many advantages.

Purchase of materials for work

If you want to buy high quality acoustic materials for the presented works, then you can make your purchase in our online store, which offers a wide range of products. With us you can find everything you need. For the right choice of material, you can get a free consultation from our experts. It is not worth saving on carrying out the presented type of work, and then you will get acoustic comfort in the gym. Choose high-quality materials from us, and you will be satisfied with your decision.
For all products purchased from us, you will receive a warranty card, so you can be sure that you made the right choice. Remember that quality materials are a guarantee that you can get a quality repair. Acoustic comfort is an important part of any renovation.  →More→
  • 09 July 2021 02:05:51
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